Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Attached Peon, Night Chowkidar & Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia

Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Attached Peon, Night Chowkidar & Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia


Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Attached Peon, Night Chowkidar & Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia

In continuation to earlier Advertisement No. JDLT/2402/2021 dated 09th November, 2021 of this Establishment for the post of Office Peon, Attached Peon and Night Chowkidar, the candidates who are found eligible on preliminary scrutiny of their applications as per the terms and conditions and on fulfilling criteria provided in the said advertisement, list of which is separately published in the official website of Tinsukia District Judiciary alongwith the instant Notice, are hereby called for their Viva-Voice/Interview in the following manner:-

1. Name of post : Office Peon

Vacant Post : 2 (Two)

Scale of Pay: Rs. 12,000 - 37,500/- + G.P.3,900/-

Category: Unreserved

2. Name of post : Attached Peon

Vacant Post : 5 (Five)

Scale of Pay: Rs. 12,000 - 37,500/- + G.P.3,900/-

Category: Unreserved

3. Name of post :Night Chowkidar

Vacant Post : 2 (Two)

Scale of Pay: Rs. 12,000 - 37,500/- + G.P.3,900/-

Category: Unreserved

Terms and Conditions:

1. Candidates must be an Indian Citizen as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India. 

2. The candidate must have minimum qualification of VIII standard pass and those who have passed HSSLC or above shall be ineligible to apply for the said posts. 

3. The candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 01.11.2021. Age relaxation will be as per Govt. norms for reserved categories. 

4. Applications should reach the Office of the undersigned on or before 26.11.2021 during office hours. 

5. No T.A./D.A. will be admissible for appearing in interview / viva-voce. 

6. Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidature. 

7. The list of eligible candidates shall be uploaded in the Official website of Tinsukia District Judiciary i.e. All information regarding date of interview will be intimated through the above noted official website. Therefore, candidates are advised to check the official website regularly. 

8. The Final Selection will be made on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in interview/viva-voce.

9. Any other terms and conditions as deemed fit by the authority.

How to apply:

1. Candidates have to send their application through post, super scribing the post applied for on the top of the envelop to the address "The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia, PIN-786126, Assam”. The candidates may also submit their applications in the drop box placed at the Office of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia, Assam. 

2. The candidates must have registered their names in the employment exchange and registration number along with the date must be mentioned in the application.

3. The candidates have to submit self-attested photocopies of all relevant testimonials of educational qualification, age, experience, caste, employment exchange certificate, etc., and two recent passport size photographs along with the application.

4. Candidates already in service should have to apply through proper channel.

5. A candidate will be eligible to apply only for one particular category of post. 6. Incomplete Application/ Defective Application/ Duplicate application for two or more posts/ Application received late shall be summarily rejected without intimating the applicants.

Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Attached Peon, Night Chowkidar & Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia

Advertisement No: Click Here

Notice dated 14th December, 2021 for Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Attached Peon, Night Chowkidar & Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia. (pdf)
List of eligible candidates for the post of Attached Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
List of eligible candidates for the post of Night Chowkidar  in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
List of eligible candidates for the post of Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
List of rejected candidates who have applied for the post of Attached Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
List of rejected candidates who have applied for the post of Night Chowkidar in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
List of rejected candidates who have applied for the post of Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
Miscellaneous list of rejected candidates without mentioning name of post, etc. (pdf)

2nd Phase

Notification dated 18th February, 2022 for Interview/Skill Test for the post of Driver (Permanent) & Driver (Contingency). in the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Tinsukia. (pdf)
List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver (Permanent) in the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Tinsukia. (pdf)
List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver (Contingency) in the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Tinsukia. (pdf)
Rescheduled dates for Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Office Peon in the C.J.M. Establishment, Tinsukia. (pdf)
 Postponement of Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Office Peon to be held from 18/01/2022 to 22/01/2022 in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia. (pdf)
 Notice dated 14th December, 2021 for Viva-Voce/Interview for the post of Attached Peon, Night Chowkidar & Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia. (pdf)
 List of eligible candidates for the post of Attached Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
 List of eligible candidates for the post of Night Chowkidar  in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
 List of eligible candidates for the post of Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
 List of rejected candidates who have applied for the post of Attached Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
 List of rejected candidates who have applied for the post of Night Chowkidar in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
 List of rejected candidates who have applied for the post of Office Peon in the Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment, Tinsukia (for the year, 2021). (pdf)
 Miscellaneous list of rejected candidates without mentioning name of post, etc. (pdf)
 Applications are invited for filling up the vacant post of Driver, Office Peon and Night Chowkidar in the establishment of District & Sessions Judge, Tinsukia. (pdf)
 Applications are invited for filling up the vacant post of Office Peon, Attached Peon and Night Chowkidar in the establishment of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia.
 Applications are invited for filling up the vacant post of Head Assistant in the establishment of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia.
 Halted notification for the post of Driver in the Establishment of District & Sessions Judge, Tinsukia.
 Halted notification for the post of Peon in the Establishment of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia
 Download Call letters for the Post of Driver in the Establishment of DJ, Tinsukia.
 Download Call letters for the Post of Driver (Contingency) in the Establishment of DJ, Tinsukia.
 Postponed of Oral Interview for the Post of Attach Peon due to BHARAT BANDH on 08.12.2020
 Download Call letters (Admit Card) for the Post of Attached Peon in the Establishment of CJM, Tinsukia.
 Notice regarding filling up the post of peon in the Office of the CJM, Tinsukia.
 Advertisement for the post of Driver.
Read more:


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