TTWD, Assam Recruitment 2021: Apply online 97 vacancy of State Programme Manager at State HQ, Sub-Divisional HQs, State MIS Manager, Accounts Manager at State HQ and Data entry Operator

TTWD, Assam Recruitment 2021: Apply online 97 vacancy of State Programme Manager at State HQ, Sub-Divisional HQs, State MIS Manager, Accounts Manager

No. DTGW/ ESSTT/1/2020-21/53



Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up various posts of Programme Management Unit for Directorate of Tea Tribes Welfare under Govt. of Assam purely on CONTRACTUAL basis for a period of 2 (two) years, subsequently renewable on annual basis. The online application will be received with effect from 08.01.2021 (10:00 AM) and the last date of receiving application will be 25.01.2021 (Midnight). No application will be received thereafter. The date and venue for the Test (s) will be intimated in due course of time by email, SMS and various other means and through the Directorate of Tea Tribes Welfare’s website. Applications submitted or received after the last date will not be entertained. 

There will be no application fee. The candidates must be citizen of India and ordinarily resident of Assam. 


For the posts of State Programme Manager, State MIS Manager, Accounts Manager, Programme Managers, & Data Entry Operators: Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respects will be called for a written test which will be conducted in the State Headquarter. The candidates will have to appear for the Written Test in the venue mentioned in his/her call letter. However, the Director, Tea Tribes Welfare, Assam reserves the right to change the venue (s) of the test as per convenience and no representation etc. will be entertained in this regard. There will be a separate written test for State Programme Manager, Programme Managers, Accounts Manager, State MIS Manager & Data Entry Operators

4. WRITTEN TEST: The written test will be of 200 marks and will be completely OMR based. The questions will be set in five parts (i) Logical reasoning and aptitude, (ii) Matters relating to History and Culture of Assam and India, (iii) Comprehension, (iv) General Knowledge and Current Affairs and (v) Domain Expert. Candidates will use black ball pen to answer the OMR based answer sheet. The decision of the Tea Tribes Welfare Department as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.

5. Mode of Selection: Phase - I: The Candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in an objective type written test to be held in the State Head Quarters i.e., Guwahati, Assam on a date and venue to be notified later. The syllabus of the objective Type Written Test will be as follows:-

Phase-II: Against each vacancy, 5 (five) candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the marks obtained in the written test. After the written test, candidates of all the categories have to appear in a Computer Practical Test to be held centrally in Guwahati. Total marks for the Computer (Practical) Test will be of 50 Marks. They will have to bring all the original testimonials i.e. Age proof Certificate, Caste Certificate, Educational Qualification Certificates, Computer Proficiency Certificate, etc. for document verifications. 

Phase-III: After completion of the Computer Practical Tests, the selection of candidates for Data Entry Operators will be finalized on merit basis. However, candidates for State Programme Manager, Programme Managers, State MIS Manager and Accounts Manager will have to appear for Viva-voce exam at 2 candidates for 1 post.

7. How to Apply: 

➢ Candidates are required to upload the supporting documents like Age proof Certificate, Caste Certificate, Educational Qualification Certificates, Computer Proficiency Certificate, PWD Certificate, etc. In the Link which will be made available at or directly in the link https:// 

➢ Instructions for filling up the prescribed form will be available in the office website: The candidates appearing for the vacancy of State PM, PM, SMIS & Accounts Manager shall have to appear for viva-voce at the State Headquarters. 

➢ Before applying, candidates are advised to carefully go through the instructions provided in the above website.
Candidates are required to upload a latest Passport Size Photograph, 

photocopy of the Admit Card/ Certificate of H.S.L.C. examination, 

Graduation Certificate, 

Scanned Signature, 

Employment Registration Certificate 

Caste/ Category Certificate (in case of reserved category candidates), 

or Disability Certificate (as per the specifications in the RPWD Act 2016, in case of Persons with Disability) issued by competent authority, 

or Discharge Book No. & Date, place of issue (in case of Ex-servicemen).
No other document i.e., hardcopy of the documents sent over email, etc. 

Are required to be sent to the Directorate of Tea Tribes Welfare. 

➢ Since the applications are submitted online, the questions of submission of applications through proper channel in case of the candidates already employed become redundant. However, such candidates shall intimate their appropriate authorities about submission of application in writing. 

➢ The candidates already employed should note that the prerogative for according permission to appear in Written Examination/join services on being selected by the Director of Tea Tribes Welfare in due course of time shall rest upon the appropriate authority. The Director of Tea Tribes Welfare shall not be anyway responsible/ accountable in the event of not according permission to appear in the written examination/join service after selection. 

➢ The online application is open w.e.f. 08.01.2021(10 AM) to 25.01.2021 (12 Midnight) only. No application will be accepted/entertained after the expiry of the given time. 



No TA/DA is admissible for appearing in the Written Test/Computer Practical Test

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Hi there, this is Admin. Who loves to write about Blogs, Poetry, Quizs related topic.

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